۱۳۹۷ دی ۱۸, سه‌شنبه

Introduction to the Book of Responses to Qur'anic Quranic Questions


The effect ahead, the result of extensive research and efforts to respond
The quarrels with the questionable questions are globally
Trying to shake down the beliefs of followers of divine religions
Particularly, Islam has the religion of Islam.
Allah Almighty says:
He is the one who sent down this Book to you, of which some of the verses (firmly)
[= Clear and clear]; that is the basis of this book; [and any complexity in other verses will be resolved with these]; and a part of it is (similar) [= verses which are due to being high The level of the subject and the other directions, at first glance, have different probabilities in it, but the attention to the verses is firmly established, their interpretation becomes clear. But those who deviate in their hearts, they are close in their pursuit of sedition [and the people They ask for it, and they interpret the (false) interpretation, while they do not understand their interpretation except God and the righteous in science. [Those who seek to understand the mysteries of all verses of the Quran in the light of divine knowledge and knowledge] say: "We believe in all of it; all is from our Lord." And they are not mindful of the owners of reason [and this fact Do not]
Surah al-Imran / Verse 7

The same thing requires this slave to investigate and resolve the shortcomings of the sacred religion of Islam, which seeks to answer the first verse of the Qur'an of the Faith and the Hadith and the authentic narratives of the Imams of the Holy Qur'an and, later on, of the Ulema and The great commentators of Islam, especially the works and ideas of the Ayatollah Mirza Jida, have ... dictated.
Of course, despite the great effort and effortlessly presented the work, Lake
There are shortcomings and the possibility of printing mistakes in the contents of the material that you have
Dear reader, please, with a reminder, to guide us in correcting it
Make a difference. In the end, we have received sympathetic cooperation from the people who have helped to achieve this book, especially Mr. Ahad Sayyavar, Seyyed Hamza Sayed Rezaei, Lady Shahla Ehsan and Ethiopian, and especially the Special Envoy of the Department of Answering Religious Questions of the Astana Qods Razavi, gentlemen of Qahremani, Talebi and others, have been grateful for their gratitude and gratitude, and I am honored by their degrees and received their final endorsement by the Lord of the Worlds.
Mystic Rifleman

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