۱۳۹۷ بهمن ۴, پنجشنبه

Story story: distance



A Hindu saint, who came to bath in the Ganges River, saw members of a family shouting with rage along the river. He turned to his disciples and smiled.

Asked why people scream in anger all the time?

Students thought for a while, one of them said: "Because we lose our calm, we scream."

The saint asked why you should cry when someone else is right next to you? You can say what you need to say softly.

The students gave different answers, but none of the other students convinced others.

Finally, the saint said: "When the two are angry, their hearts are far apart." They have to scream to fill the gap so they can hear each other. The more angry they have to cry out stronger to hear the sound to fill that long distance.

What happens when two people are in love? They do not scream at all, but talk slowly together because their hearts are very close together. There is no distance between them or very little.

The saint continued what would happen when they loved more and more together? They do not speak, they just whisper, and they even get closer to their love. Eventually they do not even need whispers, they just look at each other and that's all. When they are two lover, they are so close together.

He looked at his disciples and said: "So do not let your hearts go away, do not let the word go away from you, when you argue, otherwise you will come a day away, so that you will not find a way back.

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