۱۳۹۷ بهمن ۲۰, شنبه

Imam and martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH)

On the occasion of his allegiance, he stabbed his abortion ...

Abu Eshagh, Ibrahim bin Sayar, famous for the system [231 AH], is one of the theologians and elders of the Vedelaz school in Sunnis in the 2nd and 3rd century AH. Abolfath Muhammad ibn Abdul Karim Shahrastānī [M 548 AH] explains and describes the views and beliefs of the system in his book "Internationally and Al-Nahl". According to Shahrastani, one of the beliefs of the system was this:

The carpet: I am living in the midst of Fatemeh Yum al-Bayt even though I am in the vestibule. And Khan Yisyah: Ahraqvayadhah Bemanifa, and we are Khan Fi-Eldar Gha''Ali and Fatima, and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein.

The system says: "The second caliph on the day of the allegiance struck Fatima, so that Fatima aborted the fetus. At that time, he shouted: "Fire the house of Fatima with anyone in it," and in that house, except Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein.

2. Sunnah and martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (PBUH) [2]

She did not speak to him alive


النعيشه أن فاطمة على السلام بنت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم أرسلت إلي أبي بكر احكام الاهية من عليه الله صلى الله علیه و سلم ممن الأذاء الله علیهم بالدمينة و فدك و ما بعدى قسمى خمس حجار ... فأبى أبو بكر أن يادفع إلى فاطمة منها Shi'a Fujidat Fatemeh Ali Aibi Bakri Felql, Fahmareh Fmkh Talking Even Tufit. ... Flaha Tufit Daphnee Couples Ali Leyla and Lam Yeuzen Baha Abobkir and Ali Ali.

Ayesha quotes: Fatima Alih-al-Salam sent a person to Abu Bakr and called for his inheritance from the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP), who had left him from Medina and Fadak, and what remained of Khums. Abu Bakr refused to give any of these items to Fatima, and therefore Fatemeh became delirious about Abbakir and turned away from him and did not speak to him alive. ... Then, when Fatima died, his wife Ali burried him overnight and did not allow Abadkor to attend, and he prayed for Fatima.


ṣõīḥ al-Bakhārī, 5th c

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