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Persian to English translation

Persian to English translation

Title: hijab mandatory?
Researcher: Hjh Mohammad Jawad al-Bani Saeed
Wrong question
You agree or disagree with the mandatory dress code question? Correct question is not clear if the question is whether the mandatory dress code? And where is the compulsion? This shows your wrong.
Be wise and understanding among fans.
Rules, norms are the principles by governments to citizens must be defined and delivers them to follow.
is imposed and carried out and the traffic police and ensure its implementation will deal with violators. Nmyabym achieve a perfect result and essentially never question this way is wrong.And if I disobey my will, I gripped a number of social disparities.

The legislation
based system and socialist ideas.Guarantee does not apply to law enforcement and the legal result with lawlessness and chaos, no difference.
 rules would be too obvious and reasonable.
Here is my thought and discussion.
The law - whether it is right or wrong - in this phase should be implemented.
Just asking

Just ask the question that whether or not you agree with the veil? The dress code is good or bad?
It has no intellectual or moral or legal document? that no one should be able to make their views with legislators (the legislature) in the eyes and convince him to change the law. Legislators should be explained that the hijab or not? Is reasonable or not? Yes or no benefit? Good or bad? But as long as the hijab, there was a law, there must be binding in its implementation. So the hijab should be noted that there are two arguments: the principle of hijab is good or not? Here is the local force. Should be discussed and conclusions reached and passed or not. And the obligation to respect the dress code is good or not? The concepts of obligation and compulsion concepts are inseparable from the concept of law and questions of good and evil is the wrong question. If required by law and whether it is accompanied by force or Npsndm Bpsndm.
It was found that the question of what is right, looking for the right answer will come.
Does the government (a government based on the rules of Islamic thought and belief is derived) as a legislator to legislate or not to veil?
1 - faith necessary to justify veil
The source of Islam's precepts of the Koran, the Prophet PBUH and Sire is infallible.
First verse: "I Yghzzn Vql Llmvmnat Bsarhn Vyhfzn Frvjhn Ybdyn Zynthn Ella Vela Vela us at minus Vlyzrbn Bkhmrhn Ali Jyvbhn Ybdyn Zynthn Ella Lbvlthn Bayhn his refusal he was Bvlthn Bnayhn Bna’ Bvlthn he he he Khvanhn Bani Bani Khvathn Khvanhn he he he we Nsayhn Out Your Place His first non Ymanhn Altabyn Alarbh Alrjal I trick him Altfl Alzyn Yzhrva Ali Vrat Alnsa’ Yzrbn Barjlhn Lylm our province's organic Ykhfyn I Vtvbva Zynthn Jmya Forex Almvmnvn Llkm Tflhvn "(2) (3) Afknnd their headscarves on your chest (between the neck and chest is covered with it), except for Nsaznd Vzynt reveal their husbands, or fathers, husbands or fathers, or sons, husbands or sons, or brothers, or sons, brothers, or sons, sisters, or women Kyshshan, or Brdganshan [= Knyzanshan], or dependent on men stupid (to them) that women tend to do, or the children of the women are not aware of sexual matters, and (women of faith to say when to walk) your feet to the ground as Pnhanyshan be done to trim (and are set up to hear the sound of the anklet). And all the believers back to God, to be successful. Second verse, "or twin Ayha Alnby Lazvajk Vbnatk Vnsa’ Al Momenin Ydnyn Lyhn I Zlk Jlabybhn undermost Yrfn it's a. Yvzyn Vkan Ghfvra Rhyma" (4) (5) O Prophet!he will repent), God is always forgiving and merciful. "
 A total of five orders in the two verses about the veil and observe how the expression:
First statement: "We at La Ybdyn Zynthn Ella minus" to adorn, but it appears obvious that the amount of Nnmaynd
Second order, "Ali Vlyzrbn Bkhmrhn Jyvbhn" (around) their headscarves over their breasts Afknnd (to cover the neck and chest)
The third: "Ella Vela Ybdyn Zynthn Lbvlthn him" clear his Vzynt Nsaznd except to their husbands, or ...
The fourth: "We Lylm Vela Yzrbn Barjlhn Ykhfyn Zynthn I" done to adorn your feet to the ground Pnhanyshan be considered (and are set up to hear the sound of the anklet)
The fifth: "I Lyhn Ydnyn Jlabybhn" Jlbabha [= long scarf] Afknnd down on their own.

2 - to justify the rationality of the veil
Why the "veil" is necessary?

Continuous source of conflict and how this relationship is violated and degraded. This is the most basic relationship is the same as marriage.

Even among the free and unlimited sex life of animals and animal material, except when given to her male does not. "(8)
Human societies throughout history and all sorts of nudity and sexual relations as a law - or custom made - the community has experienced.
It seems that the root experience of the veil in the development of primitive societies, the concept of "love" is.was the beauty of the love between two lovers were watching it all, the concept of marriage - that love was the protector of privacy - it's also beautiful and lovely. He is also the concept of virginity to marriage.see this in your cover, your body beauty and sophistication of the attack to put words in their dress than she does. Such a concept was unveiled, and concepts of beauty, love, marriage, virginity, and won, and the pearl veil for the essence of virginity, marriage, and pure love. The progress of civilization is the fruit of love in which to satisfy human lust, drawn there by the dam's moral commands.

Logical negation of the veil
and one of the route is fully open. Then he can respond to stimulation.
Well, I assume you Dear Mrs. 10, 100 people face with yourself, with your body, stimulating the hair you have, the desire to establish the existence of Kurdish, Kurdish brigades Zdy coquetry!
, that is prostitution, and does not believe that all Aynhayy come out well, these people are. (The exceptions do not work), mostly human, with their families, with Njabtnd; some are religious, they may also come from God and prayer.
If you can not and should not respond, so not to irritate you, and do not violate the privacy of others. The right man is not said to them, but women are told to walk blindfold covering their beauty and ornaments to make their appearance.
 Problems of women in society unveiled

Although men may be more mild forms of sexual abuse without losing their hold dear, most of them are viewed as offensive. Women are expected to talk gender, physical gestures, or unwanted Jvyyhay close to tolerate and not important. suffered sexual abuse for a long time to come. Sexual practice with any precision is difficult to assess. Only a small proportion of sexual assaults are actually reported to police and will be reported in the statistics. The actual figure may be five times what official figures show., and half of the rape or the woman's own home or in the home invasion had occurred.The legal process often takes a long time, before the court may give 18 months of the incident is past.s, and the fact that all actions have occurred without the consent must be provided.
They have insisted that rape should be viewed as a sexual offense, but should be considered as a violent crime.

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