پست های پرطرفدار

۱۳۹۷ بهمن ۴, پنجشنبه

Good afternoon Salman Farsi

Good afternoon Salman Farsi

Man Mansour Bozarj, Carpet: Qatat Laleb Abdullah Al-Sadeq (PBUH): We are most of us أسمع منك or سيدي ذكر Salman al-Farsi! Faqlul: Al-Farsi, and al-Salman al-Mohammadi, we have taught us a lot of poetry: la. Carpet: Lithology: Sometimes: Imam Ali (as) for the soul of Allah, and Allah: Allah and Allah, and Allah, and Allah, and Allah, and Allah, and Allah, and Allah, and Allah.

P. 133

Mansoor says: I said to Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him): How is this all of you remember Salman Farsi?

He said: Nogh Salman Farsi, but say Salman Mohammadi. Do you know why I remember him so much? I said no.

He said: for the sake of three qualities: first, that the demand of Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) was preceded by his will. Second, he loved the poor and the poor, and preferred them to the rich and the worldly ones, and his third friendship with science and scholars.

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