۱۳۹۷ بهمن ۸, دوشنبه

The relationship of reason and revelation ...

The relationship of reason and revelation ...

| | In the Holy Qur'an, the wisdom of the lamp and the revelation school are likened to the oil of the ten; so that the light of the lamp is not, the light does not light up.
This sentence refers to the same meaning: "Like the low light of the fiascas of Mesbah". As far as he says: "Light is the light of light"
Also, the school of revelation can be separated from the intellect, and reason is related to the Shari'a, which are both complementary and, possibly, united in some cases. Because the light of revelation is the external reason.

Allah Almighty has introduced the unbelievers altogether:
"I Will Make It Amy Intelligence La Ya'cloun"
Or that they are in the perfection of the wisdom, but the Qur'an has called them '
«أ لاإنهم هم السفاها ولكن لا يعلمون».

Therefore, the wisdom of man without the help of revelation can not be understood from his own compassion. The only benefit to the human intellect is to understand the general direction in utilizing the blessings. But the details that are most of the work can not be understood except for the light of revelation. The intellect understands that it must be accepted in all things, in fact and in the right. | |

📚Ayyatollah Azamid Seyyed Ezzedin Hosseini Zanjani, Description of the Sermon of Hazrat Zahra (Salat Allah Aliyah), p. 100

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