پست های پرطرفدار

۱۳۹۷ بهمن ۸, دوشنبه

Important Warning

Tehran Gold Market Information Network

Important and urgent warning

Unfortunately, many fellow citizens are unaware of this.

So now, if you care about how many apartments and houses are being stolen, there is a significant amount of gold, and they are thrown straight into the place of gold instead of flattening?

♥ Today, one of my friends has a remarkable point about keeping gold at home, which is very useful.

A few times ago, his gold was stolen in his house, and in pursuit of the awareness he was made, the robbers were equipped with new devices that determine the precise location of gold from outside and also its weight. Usually for the following weight 50 grams do not risk.

An important point in telling you was to keep gold in an aluminum container or roll the foil, and be sure to put some old batteries along with that, because of the noise they created it can not find it.

Unfortunately, new programs on the mobile phone are still in the habit of refusing to accept anonymous people for various reasons behind the apartment.

Tehran Gold Market Information Network


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