پست های پرطرفدار

۱۳۹۷ بهمن ۴, پنجشنبه

Samir Disal and Abdullah Nabiyana

The dwarf of the Christian disciple, Samir, was on the side of his beloved Muslim friend, Abdullah.
Samir was dependent on Abdullah on his journey, and he played the role of Abdullah the blind, and passed through the holes and posts of the highlands in the alleyways of Damascus with his guidance.
One saw, and the other walked, so that they would complete each other and overcome the cruelty of life
 The Christian was disabled and the Rosendal Muslims were orphaned in childhood and lived without a guard in a room and worked together.
 The Christian Samir was a storyteller and a storyteller from old and famous Damascus coffee houses told the people and Abdullah Roshandel sold the same coffee and beans to the chicken and he listened to his friend's stories. They lived this way.
Samir died after many years of life before Abdullah, and Abdullah was severely affected, so that he cried for a week in his room until he found his dead body dead who was saddened in his room.

 These two simple men, who did not understand each other religion, lived together and proved to humans that we need each other without believing in one another's religion and belief.

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